IT’S HERE: “My Cookie Pleasures” aka. my first baking book ever (of many more to come)! I know you have been waiting for me to create a book with my recipes and now it is finally happening! Find 20 of my favorite cookie recipes and learn how to create the perfect cookie each time. This is a must-have cooking book for at home bakers.
Discover My Cookie Pleasures
It’s the season of baking! My Cookie Pleasures is your go to baking book for easy-to-follow recipes to treat yourself and your beloved ones with the most delicious cookie creation! I believe that homebaked goods make the world a better place, especially when you can share them with the people around you. Am I right, or am I right?!

What is My Cookie Pleasures?
- 20 of Debby’s favorite cookie recipes
- Easy-to-follow recipes
- Discover my most famous cookie recipe: Chewy Chocolate Chunk Cookies
- Mostly chocolate as ingredient
- Step-by-step guide to perfect cookies
- Downloadable pdf-file
- Lifetime access to your purchase
- 18 delicious, but not-so-healthy recipes
- 1 Gluten-free recipe
- 1 Vegan recipe
How It Began…
Since a few years I was dreaming of creating my own cooking book, mostly because of my online- and offline community who were telling me how this would be an amazing idea. Last year I decided to go on a hunt to find an agency who was willing to publish and sell my future book. Luckily I found one that has published many cooking books over the past years, so I reached out to them. Suddenly we were discussing all the details about the process of creating a cooking book, sales and numbers and we even set a possible launch date. Everything was going really fast and I felt excited about my cooking book to come true.
But Then My Dream Fell Apart..
… Or at least, that is how it felt at that moment. On a Monday evening I received an email from the publishing agency to tell me that their Marketing- and Sales Team declined my draft and idea, because no one would be interested in this topic. Auwtch! This news came in as a bomb, tears started rolling down from my cheeks and the ground underneath my feet disappeared. It felt like my dream was crashing down and I doubted my self-worth, my ideas and passion, and I wanted to give up.
Fortunately I have the sweetest, supportive boyfriend and the best community who did not give up believing in me. They encouraged me to look elsewhere, because they wanted me to follow my dreams.
So I continued my hunt, but without any luck.
I reached out to different publishing agencies in Belgium and The Netherlands, but without any luck. All of them basically said the same thing: “There is no interest in the topic of your book.”, which felt like I was bumping up against a wall. My heart sank into my boots and I just could not believe that no one would be interested in a brand new baking book.
It was time to take matters into my own hands.
At one point I felt angry towards the publishing agencies for declining my drafts and for not allowing me to share my passion with the world. But then I realized that we are living in a digital age, which means that e-books are a big thing now. So I started to wonder: “Why not make my own Baking eBook?” and that’s when my ‘Eureka-moment’ happened (I wasn’t sitting in my bath though 😂).
I shared this idea with my boyfriend and closest friends and all of them thought this would be an amazing idea. Also because of the reduced expenses and costs, which means that I would be fully in control of the design, lay-out, text and launch date. And honestly, I like being in control, which is how/ why this situation worked out better than expected!
My Cookie Pleasures, my first baking e-book !
Now I can proudly say that I have created and launched my first baking cookbook “My Cookie Pleasures”, which contains 20 easy-to-follow and finger-licking cookie recipes. The reactions and feedback from my community have been heartwarming. It is such a nice feeling to be appreciated for your dedication and hard work, but also to have this much support from all kinds of directions.
I am forever grateful to everyone who has been supporting my passion for food and chocolate. This downloadable pdf Baking eBook would not have been possible without the support of my beloved ones and community! ❤︎